sábado, 4 de abril de 2015

!Lyrical B!zarre Templates! - Lolita MESH FFC


!Lyrical B!zarre! -

 Lolita MESH

FASHION FOR CHANGE presents  !Lyrical B!zarre!  with this pink mesh  dress called "Lolita" 
FASHION FOR CHANGE presenta el hermoso vestido mesh de la marca  !Lyrical B!zarre! llamado "lolita"
Starts  11 April Ends 25th 

FASHION FOR CHANGE is an Charity Event for rising funds to http://womankind.org.uk/
recaudación de fondos para la fundación http://womankind.org.uk/

Other Items:

Clawtooth: LUSH (Vivacious Blondes Pack) at FAMESHED

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